Finding Freedom Via Non-Attachment
My neighbor’s 6-year old hasn’t sneaked upstairs in a while. The cat and I miss Kenzo. (Never mind a toddler has little understanding of “I am working, can you come after a few hours?”)
Anyways, I learnt from the Mum: little guy is in another part of town with his cousins. See.. I had become a stakeholder in the boy’s life, and needed to know. And that’s the whole point of this piece: attachment.
From jobs to people to relationships, I always leave room to walk away whenever my wellbeing is at risk. See… life isn’t some dress rehearsal. The clock to your last breath is always ticking. You might as well make most of thy finite lifetime.
One of the reasons I prefer pets to children is the minimal attachment to former. My current pet (Tuxie) was given to me by same Vet that failed to save its predecessor (the cat died after Surgery). I was asked to have a last moment with the fallen feline, and declined. Opted to donate a handsome amount to the animal shelter, and drove away with a new companion.
I know little about our ancestors, but learnt our grandpa is resting in Tanzania. The pastoralist was on hunt for water and grass for animals, and died there. They buried him, and soldiered on. What a simple, attachment-free way to live.
The things that keep most people awake are largely vanity. That mansion on a hilltop wouldn’t be helpful if Civil War broke out. Or the latest Cruiser V8 (COVID19 taught us how not-so-useful vehicles can be: you can be ordered to park them indefinitely).
Bottomline: attachments (things, people, etc.) weigh us down. The less commitments, the more freedom. To live each day like it is your last.