A Man’s Place is in the Kitchen
Nigeria's President Buhari caused an uproar when he said his Wife belonged to the kitchen - and the other room. He wasn't talking about the Living Room. More recently, President Yoweri Museveni said he's never been to the kitchen since (now First Lady) Janet came into his life. Uganda's first couple met in the early 70s.
Dad belonged to the two men's generation. Growing up, Dad often disapproved my spending much time in the kitchen. Like most conservative African fathers, a boy in the kitchen was deemed unmanly. It turns out, kitchen time wasn't such a bad idea.
Mum went to one of those traditional, Church-founded high schools that train girls to be "good wives/mothers." She was (still is) always eager to pass on her culinary skills.
Dad is long gone, and I’ve spent the larger part of last 15 years living alone. How would I’ve survived if I couldn’t fix a quick snack? Do the dishes; press clothes, and so on? One cannot rely on hired hands 24/7.
Pasta is a favourite as minimal effort is required to avoid starving. Thanks to little sister's influence, I've learnt to tweak the recipe with eggs. The first attempt didn't cause any stomach issues. I guess this can only get better.
Live. Learn. Unlearn. Re-learn.